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Naturopathic Medicine 

Naturopathic Principle :

Naturopathy is a form of healthcare that combines modern treatment with traditional methods. It includes complementary, natural therapies to modern medicine.

Naturopathy focuses on trusted source:

  • The body’s capacity to heal itself.

  • Preventing health problems.

  • A personal responsibility to optimize health.


How Can a Naturopath help you?

Naturopath uses Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Lifestyle Coaching and pathology testing to find long lasting solutions to improve your health.

Our Naturopath treat each person as an individual and trea the whole person, not just the affected area or the presenting symptoms. This may mean relying on supplementation and herbal medicine for treatment, but we strive to use natural options that are the least invasive as the primary option.

Our Naturopath Can Help You With:

Hormonal Health:

  • Hormonal Imbalance

  • Hormone testing

  • Period pain, Irregular period & menstrual problems

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Endometriosis,

  • Fertility, Infertility, and preconception plan.

  • Pregnancy and post natal support. 

  • Menopause.

  • Hormonal Acne.

Mental Health:​

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia 

  • Managing Stress

Digestive Health:

  • Food intolerances and Food Allergies.

  • Constipation

  • Irritable bowel syndrome IBS

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease IBD

  •  Bloating


  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Improve Energy 

  • Immune system support

  • Detox Program

  • Diabetes

  • High cholesterol 

  • Children's Health

  • Men's Health

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